Loïc's Story

You may recognize those charming smiles. They belong to P.K. and my son, Loïc! Over the years they’ve forged a strong bond and to this day P.K. remains a huge source of inspiration for him. You know what else gives us strength? You!

Loïc and his momLoïc suffers from a rare disease. The odds of getting it are lower than one in 300,000. His condition requires 24/7 complex care, which is why he’s being followed at the Children’s. But we live in Gatineau so, as you can imagine, it’s not easy. I don’t know how we’d ever make ends meet without you.

It took a year to find out what was wrong with my baby. The answer came from a geneticist: Morquio syndrome. After hearing all kinds of routine medical jargon, he spoke the words that broke my heart: abnormal bone growth, cardiac and respiratory complications, and paralysis. And, worse still, a shortened life expectancy.

I also learned that besides his illness, Loïc would be a small person. I cried my heart out. Not only did he have to fight disease, he’d have to face all sorts of discrimination because of his size. Didn’t my boy have enough of a burden to carry on his little shoulders?

I never imagined our lives could change so drastically.

His condition deteriorated so I had to stop working to care for him. Not only did I say good-bye to my job, I had to leave behind my other two children, Felix and Marilou, and my home for two years. I put my life on hold.

Illness can strike at any time. No one is immune. But thanks to you, I was able to catch my breath.

Your donations paid for the hotel room that became my cocoon: After long days at the hospital, I could release the pressure of my emotions, without worrying Loïc. Your support gave me food, shelter, and above all, the means to be by my child’s side, where I needed to be. I consider myself one of the lucky ones. That’s how your donations to the Tiny Tim Fund make a difference.

Loïc is now 15 going on 30, as one his doctors likes to say. Despite his tracheostomy, his wheelchair and his small size, my son is like any other teenager. Except a little ‘different’. And even though he’s a teenager, he still needs his mom! Your support makes his life better because it allows me to be there for him. I’m so grateful for that.

They say illness is the great equalizer. The same can’t be said of the financial hardships that come with it. As Loïc so wisely puts it, “Giving puts everyone on an equal footing.”

Thanks for giving us a fighting chance in our battles with disease.


Loïc’s mom, Anik

P.S.: When disease strikes a child, one thing becomes immediately clear: one’s job, budget, family finances, and everything else takes a back seat. But missing work, using up vacation time, and drawing on sick leave all come at a price. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for donating to the Tiny Tim Fund and lightening the load for families like mine.

No parent should have to worry about money when their child is sick. When you donate to the Tiny Tim Fund, you’re helping 600 families eliminate financial stress so they can focus on their child.

Thank you for your support!
