J’s happy ending

You may have heard the story of J.’s happy-ending. With complications like an umbilical cord around the neck or a placental abruption, the baby stops breathing and doctors must deliver emergency care to revive him. We call this “asphyxia,” when the brain doesn’t get enough blood or oxygen at birth.

Did you know that these complications occur in about 3% of births? Evidence shows that first-aid measures, while essential, are not enough to prevent brain damage.

That’s why babies like J. are rushed to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Montreal Children’s Hospital to receive therapeutic hypothermia treatment. Simply put, therapeutic hypothermia consists of artificially cooling the newborn’s body to prevent a massive rush of blood to the already-injured brain, thus preventing further damage. We must act quickly.

Four years ago, thanks to your donations, Dr. Pia Wintermark was able to establish her research lab at the Children’s and implement a program for asphyxia in newborns.

Today, we are able to receive a greater number of at-risk babies because we have the equipment required to treat them. Your continued support is vital to allow us to continually improve treatments to heal young babies.

This video explains what J. went through and the importance of your gift.
