Evan and Emma, complex care during pandemic

There is no pause for sick children during the Covid-19 crisis. Mel and her husband have been bringing their twins Evan and Emma to the Children’s for many months. The Hospital has become their second home.

«In our misfortune, we are lucky to be followed at the Children's»

Born at just 29 weeks and 2 days, the twins’ corrected age is now 14 months. Emma spent her first 86 days on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) (coming home on her mom’s birthday!), while her little brother’s stay there lasted 232 days.

Fortunately, thanks to the medical team and the hospital as a whole, the grateful mom affirms that “we have been in good hands since the very beginning”.

Her husband adds : « When you’re on a first name basis with the staff, you’ve been there for a long time.”

What happens during a pandemic?

While the pandemic ravages outside this already confined little world, some of Evan’s procedures have had to be postponed. On the other hand, his parents are grateful that their kids’ specialists (occupational therapist, physiotherapist, clinical nutritionist, ENT, urologist and dentist) are always available to follow them and keep updated to thanks to video conferencing, photos sent by phone, etc.

Nevertheless, certain complex interventions must be done at the Hospital twice a week. Mel was uneasy on her way to the Children’s last week. But as soon as she arrived, her fears were allayed. She notes that the Hospital’s standard hygiene, cleanliness and safety rules are beyond reproach, and contribute greatly to the high quality of care that her babies have received from the beginning. She quickly realized that their strict hygiene measures had been enhanced due to the pandemic.

A message for parents who have to come to the Hospital?

Now, more than ever, nobody wants to go the hospital, but Mel has a message of encouragement:

«The Children’s is a model of safety! Doors open so you don’t have to touch the handles unnecessarily, the precautions taken at each stage and the always present and attentive staff are just a few examples.”

A huge thank you to all the staff who continue to provide essential care, all the while remaining united to treat cases that may be Covid-19 related. It is thanks to their remarkable efforts that we are stronger together.