The 2016 Ecuador Challenge: A Real Team Effort

$215K for the Children’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Ecudaor Challenge A group of Quebec climbers scaled the 4,700 metre-high Pichincha Volcano for the 2016 Ecuador Challenge: Reaching the Top for the Children. The goal: To raise $180,000 to acquire three new Giraffe® incubators. The group completed the challenge and more, surpassing their initial fundraising objective and raising almost $215,000. The funds will allow the hospital to acquire three incubators, as well as respond to more of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit’s (NICU) growing needs. These incubators serve as vital thermal units, allowing newborns to grow stronger while facilitating access for caregivers. Last April, the climbers met families from the Children’s, whose child’s life was saved thanks to the excellent care provided by the NICU staff. The visit convinced them that raising funds to acquire the incubators was a worthy cause, and meeting the families provided an excellent source of motivation. “We’re touched by the teamwork demonstrated by this incredible group, which includes a member of our board of directors, and by their motivation to surpass themselves to raise funds for sick children,” says Marie-Josée Gariépy, the Foundation’s president. “The climbers formed strong bonds with these families, who also took the initiative to fundraise within their own networks. It’s an inspiring example of what we can accomplish when we work together.” The nine climbers set out on July 26th, and started by climbing other mountains to acclimatize themselves to decreased oxygen levels. Their initial objective was to scale Mount Chimborazo, with an altitude of 6,300 metres, but bad weather slowed their training. The climbers decided to scale the Pichincha Volcano instead, so that everyone could make it to the top together. The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation would like to thank climbers Isabelle Desroches, Richard Georges, Christopher Grove, Chadi Habib, Éric Lachaine, Anne-Sophie Le Brun, Veronica Miranda, Joanne Pelletier and Michel Thérien for their team effort, as well as the sponsors of the 2016 Ecuador Challenge: Reaching the top for the children, the Desjardins Group, CGI, Cisco, FX Innovation, Hitachi Data Systems, IBM, Intel, Itergy and RR Donnelley. Find out more about the climbing team and fundraising. Photos: