I want to thank you for the outpouring of generosity that descended on the Children’s after I announced my support to the hospital.
You asked me what you could do to help and the deal was: you made a $1 gift and as thanks for your support for sick children and their families, I’d offer some great prizes. I’ve kept my promise!
Congratulations to JASON WHITE! You are the lucky fan who gets two tickets to the home opener on October 15. I look forward to the meet & greet with you afterward. Someone from the Children’s Foundation will contact you.
Congratulations also to the 76 fans who will soon receive an autographed photo of me through mail (at the address you indicated when you made your gift). Aside from being a great picture of me in my no 76 jersey, it’s also proof of our teamwork to benefit the hospital's young patients.
When we all come together to support the Children’s, everyone is a winner!