Opération Enfant Soleil gives $3,212,401 to the Montreal Children's Hospital

On April 1st, Opération Enfant Soleil visited the new Montreal Children's Hospital. Accompanied by Josée Lavigueur and Annie Broccoli, they gave $ 3,212,401 to our hospital. OES This money will help develop new technologies to transform the hospital experience for our patients and their families:
  • A new system to make it easier and more efficient to pre-register patients, speeding the opening of files;
  • A virtual waiting room so families can move freely during their waiting time, reducing the time spent in waiting rooms with the attendant risk of infection;
  • Safer and easier transmission of patient information to medical teams;
  • "My Account,"  a new application allowing the patient and family to easily and freely access a wide variety of medical information, like lab results and appointment dates.
In addition, the hospital will acquire physiological monitors in the new Intermediate Care Unit. Each year, this unit will welcome around 300 young patients undergoing urgent and complex surgery, or requiring continuous monitoring for severe respiratory problems. It will also become the home for children who rely on medical technology to survive. Technological innovation at the Children’s is no longer limited to patient care; it also affects the quality of health services for families. On behalf of our young patients and their families, thank you Opération Enfant Soleil.