It's not about the candle

I can’t tell you how many times we feared for Leroy’s life. But we all pulled through because you allowed us to lean on world-renowned specialists, top-level care, and the ability of the medical teams to guide us through unbelievable hurdles.

So many programs and services we benefit from at The Children's exist because of donors like you.

This video is not just about a happy little boy blowing a candle. It’s about Leroy:

  • Enduring a 10+ hour operation as a tiny 3-day-old-preemie to remove a rare tumor on his spine that was threatening to rupture his intestine
  • Undergoing an invasive surgery to the skull to separate the two hemispheres so that his brain has room to expand
  • Surviving septic shock which set him back in terms of his ability to move or even speak
  • Not to mention going through his daily treatment for cystic fibrosis…

Yes, it is quite a lot for a 3-year-old-boy! And there will be many more challenges to come.

Please give today and help Leroy and other sick children continue to beat the odds.

Rachel, Leroy’s mom

Discover Leroy's story