5th edition of Dolce: a fun fair to support sick kids at the Children’s

DOLCE 2016

On Saturday, February 20, nearly 300 of Montreal’s young professionals turned out for Dolce, an event organized by our Young Leaders Circle. This was the 5th edition of the event, and thanks to the efforts of this young community, more children born with serious craniofacial anomalies can be treated at the Children’s. Dr. Mirko Gilardino, surgeon and director of the craniofacial program at the Montreal Children’s Hospital explains, “The funds raised are used to buy cutting-edge surgical equipment that will allow us to reconstruct complex facial and cranial anomalies in our young patients. The Children’s is a North American leader in this field, and we are flooded with requests from far and wide. Without donations, we would never be able to respond to the current level of need for these types of life-changing surgeries.” Once again this year, partygoers danced into the wee hours thanks to DJ Puppa Sacha and his turntables. And, as tradition dictates, guests were treated to a huge assortment of locally produced sweets and pastries, immersing them in childhood nostalgia for the span of a single night. Carnival games sparked friendly competition between participants, and helped increase the amount raised for children. An event like this could not be held without support from numerous partners, and the generosity of individuals and companies alike. The Young Leaders Circle warmly thanks everyone who contributed to the success of Dolce 2016. Photos of the event:  Photo credit: Le Huffington Post Québec